UlRCIfI of GOD eW(J April -May, 1966 Spring Fellst Spotlights Indianapolis Hears Mr. Roderick C. Meredith For the last day of Unleavened Bread Churth 'ro wth the Indianapolis Church journeyed to by Jim Howell Cincinnati, where, with Lexington, Kentucky; Columbus and Dayton, Ohio There was no doubt about it; it was plain to any observer on the scene. On the Churches, the tri-state meeting was held first High Day, there were FEWER people in attendance than in previous years! in the Cincinnati Music Hall. Yet God's true Church had GROWN! How can this be explained? This apparent contradiction has a very real answer. Mr. Roderick C. Meredith was the In past years, many of the local churches came to Chicago to observe the entire spring feast. Consequently, there principal speaker, LY IMPOSSIBLE! In order to cope having arrived the with this problem, many of the churches were big problems of lodgings, transporprevious Sabbath afin the Chicago District held their own tation, and physical facilities. Then it ter s pen din g the was possible for several churches to services during part or all of the Days first 3 days in the meet together; we became accustomed of Unleavened Bread. As a result, at Detroit area. to large crowds. tendance in Chicago was noticeably The theme of the But now, with the growth exhibited lower on the first High Day, but nearly meetings was; re by the respective church areas, such a back to the "familiar" level by the last moval of the sin of large combined meeting is PHYSICAL-Please continue on page 4 Mr. R. Meredith lethargy which has beset the Philadelphia era. Sermons were 1,934 enjoy spiritual feast on last day of Unleavened Bread in Gary. Indiana. given on how to be a part of the Work and to overcome complacent attitudes. On Saturday night a social was held, Please continue on page 8 Two Local Elders Ordained Bearing fruit in spiritual growth and showing desire to serve the brethren, Mr. James Reyer was recently ordained a local Elder during the feast of Unleavened Bread in the Chicago area at Gary, Indiana. Mr. Reyer is the father of 3 children. His wife's name is Alice and they live in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Reyer were baptized in March of 1961 at Chicago, Illinois. He has served as a deacon for several years and has now been given greater responsibility as a local Elder in God's church. Mr. Reyer and his wife have continued to show tremendous growth Please continue on page 2 ~HURCH of GOD \SJJfeWJ Editor-in-Chief ......... Bill McDowell Ministerial Advisor ....Allen Manteufel Editor ........ .. .. .......Wilbur Ball News Editors ..... . .......Ted Efimov Jim Howell Harold Stocker Regional Reporters Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fred Mancewicz LaGrange ...... .. . .... Dick Alexander Chicago South ............Elisha Crim Danville . . .......... . Gene Scarbrough South Bend .... ..... Raymond Johnson Grand Rapids .... .. Roland Van Siooten Indianapolis ... ......Donald Hofmann Milwaukee ...........Lyle Vershowske Minneapolis ...... ......Russell Brown Nashville ....... . ...... Ken Wingham Peoria ...... ... .........Jean Dawson Evansville ......... . ...William Ogden Duluth .......... .. .......... .. . .. . Richland Center .................... . Photographers ....Wilbur Vandermolen Ihor Karpowitz Circulation .. ........... Gene Madison © 1966 by Radio Church of God Address all correspondence to the Editor. Circulation over 2800 ORDINATIONS Continued from page 1 and have exemplified a great desire to serve the people in the Ft. Wayne area. James Reyer Allen Bullock Mr. Allen Bullock was also ordained as a local Elder, along with Mr. James Reyer, at Gary, Indiana during the days of Unleavened Bread by Mr. Jon Hill, Evangelist, and Mr. Bill McDowell, Pastor. Mr. Bullock is a graduate of Ambassador College and his parents are members of God's church in Houston, Texas. He was sent out to the Omaha area to work with Mr. Ronald Reedy. When Mr. Reedy married, Mr. Bullock was then sent to work in the South Bend and Grand Rapids area with Mr. Frank McCrady. Mr. Bullock recently married Miss Doris Patterson, an Ambassador student in December of 1965. EDITORIAL PA YYOUR DEBTS! By Allen Manteufel A problem that keeps cropping up in God's Church is that of the person who is always borrowing money, with no or little intention of repaying it! Since he is a member he considers it a privilege to have other members help him take care of his money problems. True, we are to be concerned how our fellow members are faring. We are to be ready and willing to extend a helping hand whenever it is needed. But, it must be done in the right way. "Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away." (Matt. 5:42) What did Jesus Christ mean by this? Some have understood by this that no matter what the circumstances a Christian is obligated to give money to anyone who asks for help. If this be true, then, you would be at the mercy of every derelict, vagrant, freeloader and bum that exists on the earth. This is not what Christ intended! Brethren, before you loan money to anyone, check to see if the person has been doing his part. Has he been at least half way diligent in finding a decent job? Has he been conducting himself wisely on the job so as not to irritate fellow works and rankle the boss and get fired? Has he been trying to budget the money he does have so he's not wasting it? Or is he "freeloading" at your expense? If he is not doing his part to become financially independent, to stand on his own feet. God says we should NOT give money repeatedly to such a person. It is wasting money you have earned. (See I Thess. 4:11-12 and II Thess. 3:6-13). God intends each man to stand on his own feet, to provide for himself and his own family. Herein is CHARACTER and INTEGRITY built. The indolent and "freeloader" are not permitted on any church "dole"! Neither should you CARELESSLY loan your money to such a member! Each of you, as a member in God's true church, should examine yourselves. How do you stand financially? Have you borrowed money from other church members, or parents, or relatives, or even banks or loan companies? People or organizations outside the church in most cases will bring legal action against you forcing you to make repayment. Within the church we are commanded not to go to court against a spiritual brother. (Read carefully I Cor. 6:1-7). It is up to you to realize your financial obligations and TO REPAY LOANS. (Ps. 37:21). God in his word. grants you the privilege of making repayment in the amounts and at the time you are able to do so. Doing so will mark your personal integrity and spiritual maturity! Kalamazoo Passover by Victor Johnson Passover 1966 for the South Bendswelled attendance to 600 at the Night Grand Rapids churches was held geoTo Be Much Remembered and the first graphically midway at the spacious Day of Unleavened Bread. Stirring ser- County Center Building auditorium, Kalmons by Ministers Frank McCrady and amazoo, Michigan. 350 adults gathered Roland Van Siooten, and a sermonette in all solemnity to participate in this by Allen Bullock were enhanced by memorable, sober occasion. In contrast, JOY abou nded the fol the precise singing of a fast-maturing lowing evening as families and others South Bend Chorale. 2 IN AND AROUND CHICAGO CHICAGO-HAZEL SCHLITT • JERRY MILLSAP has transferred to our area from Detroit because of his work. He is a bachelor and has settled in Niles. Welcome to Chicago, Jerry . • THANK YOU: I want to thank all of the ladies who spent so much time and worked so hard to help get the food ready during the Feast Days. Your cooperation was greatly appreciated. Well done good and faithfrom Shaw, Mississippi, came Mrs. Thelma Jones, mother of Mrs. Walter Burfin . • THE HAMPTON SISTERS spent the Days of Unleavened Bread in Indianapolis with brother Russel; sister Virtue, and their mother, Mrs. Alura Hampton. LA GRANGE NEWS-LILLIAN FOSTER • ALL OF US who remember DAVID ROENSPIES, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roenspies will be happy to hear of his coming marriage to Miss Artis Thomas. The engagement has been announced but no date as yet has been set for the wedding. It will probably be soon after they both graduate from Ambas ful servants! • EVON FRAZIER has transferred from the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black sador College in June. • A South Bend area. We are happy to have her with us . • HOLHEARTY WELCOME to MR. AND MRS. ROBERT BLACK LY OLSON, the invalid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson, and their two children. They have come to us from the EI died Sunday, April 10. Although they will feel a loss for a time they fully realize that her death is actually a blessing. SOUTH SIDE-ESTHERLENE HOLMES • This was the first Passover MR. HAROLD JACKSON has spent in the Chicago area in six years. Mr. Jackson has usually been sent south for either all or part of this feast season. • The home of MR. HAROLD JACKSON was the scene of a baptismal service the day before the Passover. Those baptized were Mrs. Geraldine Nickerson. Evelyn Hooks, Judy Wood, Mrs. Leroy Stevenson, Mr. Leon Pinckney, Mrs. Mary Parram, and Mrs. Nadia Cuelas . • From South Bend came SAM GILLESPIE and VERONICA JORDAN who announced their engagement at the Social on April 9. A Iso announced at the Social was the thirty-third wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Adams. Congratulations to both couples! • We were glad to see Mr. Robert Hill and son from Detroit and Mrs. Bibbs from South Haven; also Mrs. He/en Grant from Elkhart. All the way Monte Church in California. Mr. and Mrs. Black were baptized in November, 1965 . • MRS. JULIA HEGGI is well again and back in church. She wants to thank everyone for all the letters, telephone calls and visits she re ceived. • REMEMBER LAST ISSUE'S co incidence about MRS. MERCER of LaGrange and her brother in Nashville. Well here is the Mrs. Heggi sequel-another coincidence . .. Her picture was in the the paper and in the same issue-her brother's picture was also in the paper. Get your paper out and look at the new Spokesman Club Officersthere he is on Page 6, the Sergeant at Arms in the Nashville Club, Mr. Willie Hinson. • WELCOME HOME to MRS. BEULAH SANDQUIST. She has been down in Florida attending the Miami Church since October. It is nice having her back in LaGrange with us Mrs. Sandquist again. Just One of Those Minneapolis Days by Carol J. Pagel On the beautiful, buoyant day of March 20, Fred Bauer's farm was the location of a memorable party. About eighty eager brethren turned out for the day's events. At noon the first few started filtering in. From the start the call for the day was outdoor activities: volleyball, kite flying, and softball. Others found much enjoyment just being out in the fresh, invigorating country air and sunshine. One kite soared more than 1,600 feet. The three-hour softball game was the center of activities. Mixed teams added to the zeal of the game. As the sun drifted west, the call came that food would soon fill the growing gaps in our stomachs. While the food was settling, Mr. Russell Brown strummed his ukulele and howled along with it. (It couldn't be called singing!) It was just another one of those days to recapture true values, develop individual personality, gain new acquaintances, and enrich older friendships. Minneapolis Wedding by Bonnie J. Marth Many of the Minneapolis brethren experienced their first Church wedding Saturday evening, March 19. Miss Sandy Ford and Mr. Arnold Goodfellow were married at the Wold Chamberlain Hall in a ceremony performed by Mr. Sherwin McMichael. Sandy was certainly a beautiful bride-she made her lovely full-length gown herself! Esther Helle was the maid of honor and Wayne Lugenbill was best man. Following the simple but meaningful ceremony, there was a reception in the basement. South Side Spokesman Dine at "Surf & Serve" The modern, beautifully located, "Surf and Serve" restaurant at 50th and the shore of Lake Michigan was an appropriate setting for the "Feast time" combined dinner meeting of the South Side Church's three Spokesman Clubs. In addition to a delicious dinner in an uplifting, colorful banquet room, the 172 men and women who attended were privileged to hear educational, thought provoking and lively speeches with pleasure and profit. At the conclusion of the meeting we were blessed to be corrected and encouraged not only by our area Supervisor, Mr. Bill McDowell, but also by our special guest, Mr. David Jon Hill, the second ranking executive in the Spokesman Club organization. Mr. Hill particularly pleased us by stating he had observed our progress in learning how to evaluate the speakers -a fundamental attribute of Godly character. 3 Aho!'e: Top efficiency and organization-over 1300 people fed at the Cary Armory in less than an hour. SPRING FEAST Continued from page 1 High Day when additional Churches were present. Visiting Evangelist Jon Hill vividly described on the first High Day how growth is a process-it requires time and effort. Growth is a process of overcoming- of change-a change from the evils of your past to the righteous ways of God. What changes do YOU need to make? Mr. Hill outlined seven of them: 1. Your attitude, 2. Your associations, 3. Your outlook, 4. Your habits, 5. Your appearances, 6. Your personality, 7. Your physical body. The last change occurs AFTER the accomplishment of the other six-when Jesus Christ returns to this earth! Below: Young girls pick up valuable pointers on serving others. Left to right: Janice Coco, Lida Kriedich, Johanna Coco, and Susan Svehla. Mr. McDowell greets one of many brethren. Babies certainly make me happy. ... seconds on food are not allowed." New Delltons Ordflined Eight Days of Unleavened Bread Held at Minneapolis In Nflsllville by Russell Brown Spokesmen's Clubs and is an enthusiastic Nashville enjoyed a double treat Sabbath, April 30, 1966. With the strides in growth in the Nashville area there have been many "firsts." Now the first two deacons have been ordained in a joyous, tear-filled ordination service that "nonplused" Mr. Ken Wingham and Mr. William Hinson as they heard their names called to come to the front. Ken Wingham William Hinson While visiting here in Nashville for the last time before it becomes the center of another district this summer, Mr. McDowell discussed the ordinations with Mr. Steep and then checked with headquarters. Mr. McDowell was very thankful for the opportunity to take part in the ordination service and deliver the sermon. Many fond memories of southern warmth and hospitality will remain with him. The congregation was very thankful for and deeply moved by the visit of the McDowell's and the ordination servicethe first one ever seen by many including Mr. Hinson. Mr. Wingham has been a long-time The Night To Be Much Remembered found 800 of God's people observing the spring festival in Minneapolis. The usual joy and exuberance of this feast night was heightened by the ordination of four men to the office of Deacon! The suddenness of the surprise announcement filled the room with the hushed excitement that such announcements have a habit of doing! However, it was not surprising to hear the following men called forward: Mr. Clemet Hendrickson, Mr. Wayne Luginbill, Mr. Herbert Zacharias, and Mr. Fred Bauer. Mr. Hendrickson and family, including his wife Jenny and three childrenChyrstina, Steve, and Brenda, live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Baptized in 1958, they made many long trips to Chicago to observe God's Feast Days until at last they could have services in their own area. During these years, Mr. Hendrickson's home has always been open to God's people and he has diligently served others in many different ways. Though busy in his trade as a carpenter, Mr. Hendrickson has never let a heavy work schedule come between him and his service to others. Mr. Luginbill, also baptized in 1958, is one of the charter members in the Minneapolis congregation. He, too, has made the long trips to Chicago and Texas for the Feast Days. An accomplished electrical engineer, Mr. Luginbill has an important job with the Sperry-Rand Univac Corporation in the research and development of electronic instruments. He is currently president of one of the local leader in all activities. Long a bachelor, he has now found just the right woman and plans to marry Miss Esther Helle on April 30. Mr. Zacharias' family includes his wife Donna and three children-David, Danny, and Nancy. They are presently living in Stillwater, Minnesota, where he works for the Connally Shoe Company as production control manager. Baptized in 1957, the Zacharias family lived in Chicago until 1963. From his experiences in the Chicago Spokemen's Clubs, Mr. Zacharias has drawn the leadership necessary to help set the pace and proper example in the Minneapolis Clubs. He is now one of our three presidents. Mr. Bauer, baptized in 1963, has always shown a fine example of sincere love and concern toward others. The Bauer family, including his wife Ruby and their five children-Ruth, Mark, David, John, and Phillip, live on a farm just south of Minneapolis. Taking an active part in his Spokesmen's Club over the past three years, Mr. Bauer has put forth the effort to produce fine growth in his leadership and speaking ability; and as everyone knows, Mr. Bauer's home is always available to our young people's activities that need the wide-open spaces of a country home. "By their fruits you shall know them!" It certainly is evident in the lives of these four men that they have qualified to serve as deacons by having already expressed this service and love toward others. member and dedicated help. He attended the Memphis, Harrisburg and Evansville Churches in his zeal for God's Truth before the Nashville Church began. He sells school safety programs and supplies. With him you'll see his wife and five fine children. Mr. Hinson met Mr. McCrady about two years ago on a baptizing tour. Ever since then his service and help in the area is well known by all the brethren. He attended the Memphis Church before the Nashville Church started. He is very thankful for God calling his wife and giving them four radiant children. He works at the Ford Glass Plant installing the car windshields. Both of these men were already fulfilling the office of a deacon. The ordination makes the office recognized and gives them a full awareness of the responsibliities to be filled. We rejoice with deep love and thankfulness in the ordination and the visit by Mr. McDowell-a Sabbath we will long remember. by Ken Mattson BAKING WITH HONEY by Rose McDowell Since honey is a natural, unrefined food it is to be preferred as a sweetener in foods. Honey may be substituted for sugar in most recipes-especially in baking. Baked goods keep better when honey is used as they retain more moisture. A good rule to replace sugar with honey in baked goods is to reduce the amount of liquid 1/4 cup for each cup of honey used to replace the sugar. Here is a popular recipe with honey substituted for sugar. This recipe is from the wrapper of Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate. German's Sweet Chocolate Cake 1 bar (4 oz.) Sweet Chocolate I!2 cup boiling water I cup butter (half butter and half oil may be used) 2 cups honey 4 egg yolks, unbeaten I teaspoon vanilla 2 112 cups sifted flour 112 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 112 cup buttermilk (or sour milk) 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten Melt chocolate in boiling water. Cool. Cream butter and honey. Add egg yolks, one at a time, and beat well after each. Add melted chocolate and vanilla. Mix well. Sift together flour, salt and soda. Add alternately with buttermilk to chocolate mixture: beat well. Beat until smooth. Fold in whites. Pour into 3 inch deep 8 or 9 inch layer pans, well oiled. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 30 to 40 minutes. Cool. Frost tops only. Coconut Pecan Frosting Combine 3/4 cup milk, 1 cup honey, 3 egg yolks, 112 cup butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened, about 12 minutes. Add 1 113 cups grated coconut and 1 cup chopped pecans (or walnuts). Beat until thick enough to spread. 6 In memorlj 0/ Clarence WaJle1j by Elisha Crim Mr. Wadley was born in Atlanta, Georgia, February 3, 1887 through the wedlock of Ephriam and Mattie Wadley. The second of three children, he came to Chicago at the age of 19, attended Winter Engraving School. By chance, through a gift of a copper, hand engraved plate to baseball great, "Ty Cobb" he became a legend in the baseball world. For 47 years he made jewlery for both team and individuals. He was. well known and liked by both major and minor leagues from Coast to Coast. He was also well known, liked, and respected by Chicago's finest stores; Marshall Field, Peacock, The Palmer House and others. From Sacks on Fifth Avenue in New York to Neimin Marcus in Texas. He was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage, December 1, 1965 causing complete paralysis of the right side only days prior to final preparations for his marriage to Mrs. Lillian R. Huddleston, of Flint, Michigan, who with the assistance of devoted friends nursed and cared for him untiringly throughout his illness. Mr. Wadley never fully regained' the use of his body or speech, but his mind was alert and active most of the time. Also he showed deep appreciation to those who administered to his care. He was a loyal and devoted member to his church, well loved and respected by all who knew him. Because of circumstances beyond our control many of his friends, especially in the baseball world, have not been notified of his death. Therefore, they could not show the esteem and respect in which he was held by them. Mr. Wadley departed from this life March 31, 1966, at 5:30 PM. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Laurinda Davis, Atlanta, Georgia, his fiancee, Mrs. Huddleston, very dear and close friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Wheller, of Chicago, Mrs. Bernice Christmas, of Auroni, Illinois, and many, many friends too numerous to mention. He will be sadly missed by everyone but death comes to all. Our Eternal God is no respector of persons. Yes, we regret to lose Mr. Wadley, but we are happy to welcome Mrs. Huddleston to our church family here in Chicago, and ask your prayers for her. SOUTH SIDE NEWS BRIEFS Over 295 members of the South Side Church gathered at the Roosevelt Theater the morning of May 1 to see "Mr. DeMille's version" of the Ten Commandments. Included in the group were Brenda and Ted Williams, Detroit Church members and brother and sister of our own Mr. Terry Williams. Mr. Edwin Marrs, Local Elder in the Mobile Church, will be leaving for Pasadena this summer to register for the fall term at Ambassador College. With Mr. Marrs will be his wife, three boys, and at long last-a little girl born in March. The Marrs' are former Chicagoans who attended services when the "lone" Chicago Church met at Wozniak's! Remember? Going down to Mobile to relieve Mr. Marrs, will be Mr. Elbert Atlas, soon to become the first Negro graduate of Ambassador College. Mr. and Mrs. Atlas were married in the Chicago Church in September of 1963. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turner will return to New York after having studied at Ambassador College for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bass, now in New York, will be sent to Jackson, Mississippi to raise up an all Negro Church. Donald Samples Here for Summer Assignments of ministerial assistants have been made in Pasadena! Serving in the Chicago area this summer will be Donald Samples, who is currently finishing his junior year of college in Pasadena. He will work directly under our local pastor Mr. Bill McDowell. Mr. Samples is no stranger to Chicago. He spent the summer of 1961 at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. During this time he was able to visit several places of interest here. Before he was discharged from the navy, he spent time in the Submarine Service and attended the Polaris Missile School in Norfolk, Virginia. This fall Mr. Samples will transfer to the campus in Big Sandy for his senior year. He expects to arrive here in Chicago shortly after Pentecost. ~e sure to get acquainted and make hIm feel welcome! D. W. Samples NASHVILLE CHURCH HOLDS NEGRO SOCIAL by Walter Sledge On the evening of February 27, 1966 the Negro brethren of the Nashville, Tenn. Church and their honored guests met together in the city Murfreesboro, Tenn., at the Elks Club for the first Negro social. There was dining, dancing, and fun for both young and old. Our chairman for the evening, Mr. Odean Allen, kept things moving throughout the entire program. As the dancing got under way, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steep took to the floor, setting a brisk pace for everyone else to follow. Soon both young and old were on the floor during such dances as the Virginia Reel, and the Hokey-Pokey. After the appetite of everyone reached its peak we down to a wonderful dinner. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steep, Mr. Dainey Batson, Mr. and Mrs. Hinson, Mrs. Kula Green, and Mr. James Lang. This wonderful Social came to an end with the showing of three short, comical movies. It was truly an evening of gaiety, a memorable occasion, and for the colored brethren, a foretaste of recapturing true values. MINNEAPOLIS NEWS BRIEFS by Mrs. Clem Hendrickson MARRIAGE Miss Sandra Ford was united to Mr. Arnold Goodfellow on March 19, 1966, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. Sherwin McMichael performed the ceremony. BIRTH: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edelbach have been blessed with Jean Marie who arrived on April 1. She tipped the scales at 7 pounds, 1 oz. at birth. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine E. Bipes with the arrival of their new baby, Michael David, born April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mattila are the proud parents of a 5 pound 5 oz. girl. their third daughter, born April 13. Her name is Julie Ann. MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bjoraker just arrived back in time for the Passover Season after spending I month vacationing in the West. We are all glad to have them back with us again. If only his camera had worked properly, we would have color slides of the Pasadena campus to show at the next social. Believing that two can live as cheaply as one, Mr. Wayne Luginbill took one of our nice young ladies as his wife April 30. Mrs. Luginbill's maiden name was Esther Helle. Congratulations to both of you! 7 Diane Yoho, newly arrived from Pasadena; Jerry Millsap, from the Detroit Church; Wayne Meyer, of the St. Louis Church; and George Gritts, a past member of the Tulsa, Oklahoma Church; are welcome additions to the Chicago young people. >I< * It's good to see MARY WHITT in Indianapolis again. Mary arrived home from Ambassador College in Pasadena a few weeks ago. ... >I< >I< TOM SCHLITT was baptized Sunday, March 3, in Texas. Tom is living in Dallas and is soon to enter the l-W Work Program there. ... * * Congratulations TERRY McSORLEY, PAULETTE HILL and STARR LEATHERWOOD on your recent baptisms. >I< '" '" KRISTINA LUCA is home from the University of Illinois where she has "majored" in foreign languages. She attended the Danville Church while at school. She will be teaching at Morton High School, here in Chicago. * * '" ANNOUNCING ... the young peoples' PROM DANCE for 1966. DATE -JUNE 19, Sunday evening. TIME 6:00 P.M. PLACE-Oak Park Arms Hotel, at the corner of Oak Park Ave . and Washington Blvd. DRESS-summer formal. COST-$6.00 per couple. INVITED-All unmarried people 14 years of age or older, and all married couples up to 35 years of age from the entire District. Start saving NOW fellows, for your tux and other expenses. * * '" Indianapolis Hears Mr. Roderick C. Meredith Continued from page 1 which was acclaimed to be one of the best yet. A total of 1,597 persons were present on the last day of Unleavened Bread. This was a reminder of the growth in this area. The Cincinnati Church was established in February, 1963 and since that time churches have been established in Lexington, Kentucky on the South, Dayton and Columbus, Ohio on the Northeast and the Cincinnati Church still is running an average attendance of 500. Don Wineinger, the song leader in Indianapolis, does a little preparatory work. Karl Beyersdorfer Mike Hechel Bill Freeland New Field Assignments KARL BEYERSDORFER will be graduating this June from Ambassador in Big Sandy, and two days later he will be getting married to Gaylon Smith, who is now a secretary at Ambassador in Pasadena. He will then be going up to the Minnesota area in order to be assisting Mr. Sherwin McMichael. Karl is a former member of the Chicago church, and attended the University of Illinois for one year before going out to Ambassador. MIKE HECHEL, from Appleton, Wisconsin, is a former Milwaukee church member, who will be graduating from Ambassador -Big Sandy in June. He will be visiting in the local Big Sandy area until later on in the summer when he will be assigned permanently. BILL FREELAND is from Denison, Kansas, and will be graduating from Ambassador -Big Sandy this June. He is quite an energetic leader, and will be assisting Mr. Meeker in the Milwaukee and Richland Center areas following graduating. He is also soon to be married to Donna Bonnett, a co-ed at Big Sandy this year. 8